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Train professionals who seek additional, enlarge and develop the level of knowledge and technical-practical and aim at their insertion in the job market of clubs and gyms as Exercise Physiologists.
XVI Latu Sensu Specialization Course in Human Performance Sciences
Day: Saturdays
Period: morning / afternoon
Time: 08:00 - 18:00
Mode: Presential
Workload: 360h
Foto: Halley Pacheco de Oliveira
Target Audience
Professionals graduated in PE, Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Medicine aimed at deepening the sports and physical activity sciences field.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Fernando Pompeu
Vice-coordenador: Prof. Dr. Fernando Pompeu
Tópicos do curso
- Treinamento Aeróbio
- Treinamento de Força
- Treinamento de Core
- Bioquímica do Exercício
- Fisiologia do Exercício
- Psicofisiologia do Exercício
- Neurociência do Exercício
- Reabilitação
- Cineantropometria
Corpo Docente
- Prof. Dr. Alex Itaborahy
- Profa. Dra. Andrea Deslandes
- Prof. Dr. Cícero Freitas
- Prof. Dr. Diego Viana
- Prof. Dr. Eduardo Portugal
- Prof. Me. Evaldo Júnior
- Prof. Dr. Fernando Pompeu
- Profa. Dra. Helena Moraes
- Profa. Dra. Joyce Carvalho
- Profa. Dra. Letícia Azen
- Prof. Me. Pedro Emerson
- Profa. Esp. Poliane Portugal
- Prof. Me. Rodolfo Velasque
- Prof. Esp. Rodrigo Henrique
Selective process
Selection will be based on CV analysis.
Leia o Edital de Seleção
Filling of Application Form
Submission of the registration form and images of the documents attached to the email:
Students approved in the selection will receive an email with instructions for enrollment.
24x BRL 250.00
Scholarship Program
Date:to be defined
Number of Scholarships:Up to 5 100% scholarships or 10 50% scholarships, according to the test scores.
Criteria for awarding scholarships:Classification obtained in the contest for the selection of quota holders and non-quota holders.
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